Retyped copy of original report |
Officers |
Nome |
CAPITAL STOCK, $600,000 |
Branch Office, 136 South Broadway Los Angeles, California |
Nome, Alaska, Oct. 20,1908 |
An option has been secured on a stream of water, about 10 miles from the property, and a ditch has been completed for about three miles in the direction of the property, leaving about seven miles of ditch yet to be built, which when completed to the property will give a flow of from 1000 to 1500 miners inches of water, which is an ample supply for hydraulic purposes. This ditch will almost pay for itself before reaching the property, by furnishing water to the adjoining property owners, who are willing to pay a good price for the same, as they all have gold, but few of them have the water to wash out the same. Very respectfully submitted,
To Barney Rolando, President; John J. Becker, Treasurer; E. Linton, Secretary, THE NOME GOLD PLACER MINING COMPANY, of NOME, ALASKA
Sirs: |
In compliance with your request for a survey and a report on the Sherrette Creek Placers, I herewith submit the following remarks and the attached map as the result of said examination and survey.
Sherrette Creek is situated in the Kougarok Mining District, District of Alaska, and on the completed line of the Seward Peninsula Railroad, 53 miles from the town of Nome, Iron Creek being the nearest shipping station, two miles distant, but at four miles north ofIron Creek the road crosses the Company's property.
A complete survey was made of the Company's property. The boundaries of each claim were accurately established by erecting permanent monuments; the total area of each claim ascertained and is shown on the accompanying map.
The total area of the Creek Claim proper, is 650.95 acres. The Bench Claim adjoining the Creek Claim, covering both limits and embrace an area of 699.06 acres as . surveyed, to which three locations of 160 acres each have since been added, making the total area of the Bench Claims 1,179.06 acres.
All of the Creek Claims have been worked to some extent, the principal working being on the Emila and the Lora.
As stated elsewhere, no attempt has been made to mine on the bench claims other than to do the annual work, but enough has been done to show that they are gold bearing. The extensive gravel benches are mostly composed of local wash and they carry heavy .
The large number of acres aggregating 1,830.01. The amount of development over 2,000 cubic yards, passed through sluices. The very satisfactory recovery which shows better that $1.25 per yard. The great depth of the overburden which ahs been proven to be gold
Nome, Alaska, 1906 |
Barney Rolando, being first duly sworn deposes and says: That he is the president of the Nome Gold Placer Mining Company, a corporation organized under the laws of Arizona; that said company owns those certain placer mining claims herein after described; that such claims lie contiguous and adjoining and are situate on Sherrette Creek and on the right and left limits thereof, which said creek is a tributary of Pilgrim River; said mining claims being in the Kougarok Mining and Recording District, District of Alaska; said claims are known and designated as folows:
That this affiant, who had charge of the field work for said company on said mining claims for the year 1907, had a crew of men and drilling and mining outfit, began work on said mining claims on the 4th day of July, 1907; that during said time and between said dates at least One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) worth of labor was performed and improvements made for the benefit and development of each of the said placer mining claims; that said work consisted of general prospecting, development and preparatory work. That on said Lena Association Claim a drill hole was sunk to a depth of 185 feet. That on said Milan Association Claim a drill hole was sunk: to a depth orl55 feet. That on said No, 2 above Johnson Discovery, a drill hole was sunk 95 feet in depth. That on said Mary Association Claim two drill holes were sunk, one 155 feet in depth and one 160 feet in depth. That on No.1 above Johnson Discovery, a drain ditch 300 feet long was cut. That on said Lora Association Claim a water ditch 450 feet in length was cut. That on Johnson Division, Sherrette Creek, a water ditch 200 feet in length 6x2 feet was cut. That on the Amelia Association Claim, Sherrette Creek, a water ditch 200 feet long was cut; also considerable wood was cut and piled on said claim for future drill and development work. That on No.3 below Johnson Discovery a water ditch 250 feet by 6 by 2 feet was cut. That on No. 31/2 below Johnson Discovery, building and camp improvements were made; also considerable wood was cut and piled on said claim for drilling purposes during the season of 1908 .. That on No.4 below Johnson Discovery, Sherrette Creek, considerable wood was cut, hauled and piled upon said claim for use during the season of 1908.
Appendix C 1 - 1908 Prospectus Review |
2006 Review of the 1908 Prospectus |
The Nome Gold Placer Mining Co. (NGPM) and Peckenpaugh Mining Inc (PM) are on the same property. In 1908, NGPM control 1,830 acres ofSherette Creek and its contiguous benches. Today PM has a 1917, patent on 562 acres ofSherette Creek, with the remaining lands outlined by NGPM are currently unclaimed State of Alaska lands and open to mineral staking in 2007.
A considerable amount of prospect drilling was done from 1907 to?, ranging in depth from 40 to 185 feet The bedrock value of $.10 per pan, at today's gold price is $.10 x 180 pans per cubic yard (cy) x current gold price of $600 per Troy Oz (TO) divided by the 1908, gold price of $20 per ton = $540 per cy. Surface mining was recovering and average of $1.25 per cy or $37.50 at today's prices. All the drill holes but one indicated mineable values of gold. One shaft to a depth of 74 feet (not on bedrock) recovered $.05 per pan or $270 per cy.
None of the benches were very mined other than to sink several shafts to bedrock and do some drift mining. The surface mining left a lot of unmined land and with modem recovery system must of the tailing maybe remitted. The largest portion of this property remains unmined, for what reason is unknown. The 1908, Prospectus verifies most if not all the assumptions Mr. Peckenpaugh made concerning this property over the years.
A claim staking program will be done by GPM in 2007, to tie up the remaining land outlined in the 1908 Prospectus. A geophysics and drill exploration program should be started this summer to verify the 1908 reserves, delineating more proven reserves for increase production and to provide the necessary data to develop a large scale mining plan. This can be done while production mining is progress with the equipment that GPM has on site, plus the equipment listed in the PM Information Memorandum.
An Alaska mining historical historian an other original claimant family members have been contacted to find any additional historical documents concerning this property.
Again this is an exciting property, which has already been undeveloped and overlook for the last 75 years.
Jon M. Peckenpaugh |
Appendix C 2 - Land Status Land Status between the 1917 Nome Gold Placer Mining Co. Patent and the 1908 Nome Gold Placer Mining Co. Prospectus Report |
1914 Patent Survey (1917 Patent) Acres | 1908 Prospectus (claims) Acres | |||
No. Four Above (no patent) | 16.204 | No. 1 Above upper Discovery | 20 | |
No. Three Above | 13.357 | No. 3 Above Johnson Discovery | 20 | |
No. Two Above | 13.628 | No. 2 Above Johnson Discovery | 20 | |
No. One Above | 16.026 | No. 1 Above Johnson Discovery | 20 | |
Johnson's Discovery | 15.923 | Johnson Discovery | 20 | |
Omelia Mine | 33.935 | Amelia Association | 50 | |
same as | No.3 below Johnson Discovery | 20 | ||
No. Three Below | 14.479 | No.3 below Johnson Discovery | 20 | |
No. Three-one half Below | 15.036 | No.4 below Johnson Discovery | 20 | |
NGPMC No. 1 & 3 | 80.000 | Lorenze Association | 160 | |
same as | Becker Association | 160 | ||
Lorenz Mine Placer | 119.303 | Schloh Association | 160 | |
same as | Lora Association | 160 | ||
Becker Association | 138.733 | North Star Association | 160 | |
Schloh Association | 149.129 | Piemonte Assn., right limit | 160 | |
Clara Assn., right limit | 160 | |||
Blank Assn., right limit | 160 | |||
The Lora and North Star Association claims are along the upper Sherette Creek above the No. 1 Above upper Discovery' and Lora creek which flows into No. I Above upper Discovery (No. Four Above). The Piemonte, Clara, Emilia and Blank Assn., right limit claims are along the Eastside ofSherette Creek form the North Star in the South to the Lorenz Mine in the North.
Jon M. Peckenpaugh |