Executive Summary
(See Private Placement Memorandum dated January 9, 2013)
Alaska Mines Corporation was organized in January 2011 for the purpose of forming a stock company to expand on seed capital ($2,850,000) invested in gold bearing property 50 miles northeast of Nome, Alaska. Seed capital provided ownership of 568 acres of fee simple land running 8.5 miles along Sherette Creek, access to over 1,000,000 acres of state owned gold bearing lode and placer claims, a working mining camp, and various mining equipment for exploration, sampling and production.
Sampling took place during the 2011 and 2012 mining seasons with verification of an extensive gold bearing placer deposit within 10 feet of the surface (this confirmed 2005 findings by an independent geologist). Heavy rare earth elements, platinum group metals, tantalum and other valuable minerals were also discovered to be concentrated in black sands recovered from processed placer. Additional exploration and lode sampling of the surrounding Paleozoic limestone formations determined the presence of micron gold and other precious metals with possible recovery using cold weather heap leaching techniques.
The Company will joint venture with the exploration mining contractor for production mining in 2013. The contractor and Alaska Mines Corporation jointly own a processing plant in Nome that is projected to recover 1,000 to 3,000 ounces of gold this year – multiple processing plants are budgeted for future use.
The Company is modern, innovative, progressive and profit-driven. Its objectives include: (1) acquiring extensive mineral rights, (2) developing patented-pending recovery of glory-hole deposits while preserving environmental integrity, (3) defining and recovering vast untapped deposits of strategic minerals considered critical to national interests, (4) capitalizing and overseeing an Alaskan bank oriented to mineral production and gold reserves.
Management consists of a variety of business thinking individuals. They are aggressive in goal direction with broad decision models. For example, this funding offer may terminate if going public is more beneficial in raising capital. After all, the Common Stock (equity) offered in this memorandum is “free”.
Alaska Mines Corporation is unique. It has access to almost unlimited U.S. mineral property easily claimed for resources; it will benefit from the Fairbanks to Nome road under construction, and may be instrumental in providing a short cut to the Alaskan-Siberian tunnel to Russia. The Company is an expansion production gold company with prospective massive mineral reserves, new-age thinking and the technology for mining resources in Alaska.
Thomas J. Hice
January 9, 2013