An Unedited View of Alaskan Operations in the Eyes (only) of the Blogger
August 24, 2013
2013 Pictures and Videos
I have been to the mine site twice this year and will be going back this next Friday. The still pictures within the gallery are being edited to try and make more meaningful pictures present for viewing. As it is currently, the pictures showing include almost everything taken and are cumbersome at best to view in a timely manner. This should improve in the next few days.
First trip in late June
Vince (last names are not mentioned) and I visited some property about 60 miles north of Sherette Creek. Some of the initial stills are of this journey. It turned out that the road went across a bridge at milepost 87 and abruptly ended – always wondered where the “bridge to nowhere”.was. Anyway, we had to rent a helicopter to go see this property about 100 miles north of Nome. On the way back we had the helicopter pilot drop us off at Sherette Creek.
Video #1
This video starts at the north end of our 8.5 miles of private property and moves south to the mining camp. The ground on the north end looks very promising for placer mining. Towards the end of the video you get a clear picture of the camp. As we came around for landing you can see where the excavator was preparing the ground for production. Mining had not commenced at this time.
Video #2
Still on the first visit. Had not been able to sleep so I went above the camp on the east side and took a few videos of the camp, plants and mosquitoes.
Second Trip in July
Flew to Nome with my son Shawn, the new cook Jacqui and Ivan’s son Noah. A 14 hour trip just to Nome and another 3 hours to camp. Long day and night. Mining had been going for about two weeks.
Video #3
This is an early morning shot (1:00 am) of the camp after mining did commence and the pipe was on its way to the plant. This was on my second visit in the middle of July.
Video #4
After taking the shot in Video #3 I walked up to the night operation and took this shot of the plant and crew working night shift.
Video #5
Amos (our claims guy) took these shots of some of our property that has been claimed. The second part of this video includes shots of the cabins over at Games Creek (a very promising creek that would be ideal for our big production plant). We do have this claimed also.
Video #6
Another video of the night operation of the plant.
Other videos.
Various videos of property, day operation of the plant, and gold recovery. Some of the videos have been blended with two segments to save on space.